Sunday 8 February 2015

Sunset Ride

One of my favourite things to see everyday or every other day (because the sun is very indecisive to show itself when it comes to London, okay?) is sunrise or sunset. The sky become so beautiful with its gradients and for a moment it takes my breath away. If you think about it, the sky can actually change to mostly every colour you could think of. Blue (the obvious one), grey (London's sky), black (at night), dark blue (evening) and there are times when it turns to cotton candy colour (pinkish-purple-blue), or the yellow-orange-purple-blueish, or the green one even (Aurora). It's like asking God, "how do You do this? You must be very great." And He is.

Still on the USA trip pictures:

I am not a fan of Celine Dion, it was a matter of taking picture with a star, any star. I cannot find someone I particularly like, so I just took some with the very famous ones like Celine. But after I watch her concert (if I get my hands on a ticket), maybe, who knows?

Stripes top - Vertical Club || Similar here
Chiffon blouse - Unbranded || Similar here
Skirt - New Look || Similar here
Bag - Cupcake
Socks - From Korea || Similar here
Shoes - Antipodium x ASOS || Similar here
Sunnies - Prada

'Til next time!

1 comment:

Visa said...

love your shoes! and looks like you had a lovely day