Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Mind Over Matters

The sound I hear inside my head every second, minute, or hour of every day, it's mine. I have the power of my own happiness, or at least that's what I've heard. I read so many quotes about mind over matters; nobody can bring you down unless you say otherwise, you are what you think, or how your actions come from within your souls. They might be the most cliché quotes, but it is true. Most of the time I over think of what ifs and what will, then when I got too deep I realised I have just wasted my time to stress myself out over unnecessary thoughts. It hit me for a reason or another that I am my greatest enemy.

Dress, blazer & shoes - ASOS
Necklace - COS
Socks - From Japan
Ring - An Aussie brand I forgot
Bracelet - Salvatore Ferragamo

Photographed by Fitria Tjandra

'Til next post!

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